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What is Short Sightedness?

Nearsightedness, medically known as myopia, is a vision condition where objects up close are clearer than those in the distance. This condition tends to become more common among senior citizens as their eyes undergo changes with age. While nearsightedness is indeed more prevalent in older individuals, there is also an alarming increase in the number of children experiencing myopia.

What Causes Shortsightedness?

Nearsightedness, or myopia, can stem from various factors. It occurs when the eyeball lengthens, causing light to refract in front of the retina rather than on it, resulting in blurred vision. The most prevalent cause is eye strain when attempting close-up tasks, like reading, due to improper eye coordination. When your eyes don’t coordinate properly during reading, it can hinder your ability to maintain focus on objects or text for extended periods. For some individuals, close-up difficulties are so pronounced that even brief reading sessions pose challenges


Due to the increasing amount of time both children and adults spend on computers, smartphones, and tablets each day, there is a growing epidemic of nearsightedness. People are developing nearsightedness at an accelerated rate. If you currently do not experience nearsightedness, we recommend scheduling a Vision Evaluation with our Vision specialist at the Sun Time Vision Specialist Centre. This eye examination aims to assess your risk of developing nearsightedness. If you are at risk, our Vision specialist will discuss preventive measures with you.

In many cases, we can reduce the prescription and even reverse nearsightedness (Myopia, Rabun Jauh, 近视). However, the extent of improvement depends on the underlying cause of the worsening condition. To determine the cause and the most suitable treatment, it is advisable to arrange a Vision Evaluation (distinct from a regular eye exam) with a Vision specialist who specializes in Neuro-Developmental & Behavioral optometry. The positive news is that there are effective interventions available for nearsightedness.

Why Doesn't Everyone Develop Nearsightedness or Experience Its Progression?

When an individual is solely nearsighted (Rabun Jauh 近视), their nearsightedness tends to worsen gradually with time. However, when there is a lack of proper coordination between the eyes or challenges in transitioning focus from close to distant objects, the effort required to see up close increases. This is the factor that accelerates the progression of nearsightedness (Rabun Jauh 近视).

What Can We Do to Decelerate or Reverse Shortsightedness??

Typically, we can often lower the prescription and even reverse nearsightedness (Myopia, Rabun Jauh, 近视). However, the extent of improvement hinges on the underlying factors contributing to the worsening of nearsightedness. The recommended course of action is to arrange a Vision Evaluation, distinct from a standard eye exam, with a Vision specialist who specializes in Neuro-Developmental & Behavioral optometry. This will allow them to identify the root cause of the issue and determine the most suitable treatment. The encouraging news is that nearsightedness can be treated effectively.

Addressing the Factors Contributing to the Advancement of Nearsightedness

To tackle the underlying cause of nearsightedness, a vision therapy program is often the most effective method. Vision therapy aims to retrain the eyes, reducing the strain they experience during activities like reading, handwriting, and computer work.

What Is the Mechanism Behind Vision Therapy?

Typically, vision therapy involves weekly in-office sessions along with a set of prescribed vision therapy exercises to be practiced at home between appointments. Given the significant amount of time most individuals, including children and adults, spend engaged in close-up activities that strain the eyes—such as reading, writing, playing computer games, or using devices like iPads and iPhones—it becomes essential to provide daily relaxation for the eyes. Therefore, consistent daily home vision therapy exercises are crucial.

We’ve observed that patients with myopia (nearsightedness) who diligently perform their eye exercises at home tend to achieve faster and more significant improvements compared to those who do not regularly practice their home vision therapy exercises.

What sets ortho-k apart from vision therapy?

Ortho-K can often halt the progression of nearsightedness. Nevertheless, relying on Ortho-K to prevent the further advancement of nearsightedness may be necessary throughout your lifetime. However, by incorporating vision therapy to address and resolve the underlying cause of your nearsightedness, you may eventually reduce or eliminate the need for continued Ortho-K use.

When should you use shortsighted glasses?

You have some flexibility in deciding when to wear your glasses, as it largely depends on your personal preferences and the specific situation. For instance, if you require clear vision for safe driving, it’s essential to wear your glasses in such cases.

Nearsighted vs. Farsighted: How to Distinguish Between Them?

The primary distinction between farsightedness and nearsightedness lies in the focal point of objects. Nearsighted individuals have clearer vision of nearby objects, whereas farsighted individuals see distant objects more clearly.

Farsightedness in children is often present from birth as a refractive error. In many instances, childhood hyperopia improves as the eyeball naturally lengthens during normal growth and development. In contrast, nearsightedness typically begins to develop during childhood and tends to worsen throughout adolescence before stabilizing in early adulthood.

Can short sightedness be cured?

Myopia occurs when the eyeballs experience excessive growth during childhood and can continue to worsen into the teenage years and even early adulthood. Once this excessive eye growth has occurred, it cannot be halted or reversed. However, the progression of myopia can be slowed down through controlled treatments. This means that while there is no cure for myopia, there are methods to improve and correct blurry distance vision.

Can ortho-k provide better vision improvement compared to traditional glasses or contact lenses?

Orthokeratology (Ortho-K), also known as Corneal Refractive Therapy (CRT), is a non-surgical method that involves custom-designed contact lenses to gently reshape the front surface of your eye (cornea), enabling you to achieve clear daytime vision without the need for glasses or regular contact lenses.

The treatment aims to provide vision correction results comparable to those achieved with traditional glasses or contact lenses. Ortho-K lenses are specifically designed to slow down the progression of nearsightedness (Myopia, Rabun Jauh 近视). This approach may offer a solution that may not have been accessible through conventional glasses or contact lens use.

How can I determine if I have nearsightedness?

The American Academy of Ophthalmology offers a printable vision test that you can use to assess your eyesight. You can print the test chart and place it on a wall approximately 10 feet away from where you stand. Cover one eye and then attempt to read the letters on the chart. Eventually, the letters may become difficult to discern. The line on the chart where you can correctly identify most of the letters represents your visual acuity. The chart also includes small numbers on the side, such as 20/20 or 20/40, indicating your acuity.

An acuity score of 20/20 is considered ideal, as it means a person with healthy vision can see objects clearly from a distance of 20 feet. Therefore, if the bottom number is higher than 20, it suggests nearsightedness.

What options are available to address nearsightedness?
  • Follow the 20-20-20 Rule: Every 20 minutes, take a 20-second break and focus on something at least 20 feet away to reduce eye fatigue.
  • Practice Focus Shifting: Challenge your focus by holding a finger a few inches from your eye, moving it away while maintaining focus, and then shifting your gaze to a distant point. Repeat the process with both hands.
  • Engage in Figure 8 Tracing: While seated, trace a figure-eight pattern on the floor with your eyes for 30 seconds, then change the direction of the pattern.
  • Try Room Scanning: Find a comfortable spot and scan the room around you, focusing on objects both near and far to promote mindfulness and relaxation.
Is your increasing nearsightedness causing you concern?

There are various factors contributing to the progression of nearsightedness, and the treatment approach will depend on the underlying cause. The reassuring news is that Neuro Vision Specialist can provide assistance.