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Exploring the Effects of Light Therapy on Strabismus and Amblyopia and Its Impact on Brain Activity

Recent studies have increasingly demonstrated the effectiveness of light therapy in treating strabismus and amblyopia, particularly focusing on Syntonic Light Therapy. These studies involve monitoring brain activity and visual performance before and after Light Therapy (LTH). Post-LTH observations revealed a notable increase in high voltage activity in patients with strabismus and amblyopia. Notably, synchronized brain activity was observed in patients exposed to filters that transmit blue light, as opposed to red light. The research also emphasizes that light therapy is not universally applicable and should be conducted under professional supervision. Research reference link.


Vision Problems After Concussions

Vision Problems After Concussions

In Malaysia, traumatic brain injury (TBI), often caused by car accidents, is a major cause of death, especially in individuals under 45. TBI can lead to Post Trauma Vision Syndrome (PTVS), characterized by symptoms like dizziness, eye coordination problems, headaches, and reading difficulties. PTVS, resulting from concussions, affects various aspects of vision and balance, leading to ocular motor and binocular dysfunctions as well as convergence and accommodative dysfunctions. Treatment typically involves Neuro-Optometric Vision Rehabilitation, focusing on improving eye movement control, brain-eye coordination, and visual information processing, which helps alleviate these symptoms.

Vision Issues Triggering Anxiety Disorders

Vision Issues Triggering Anxiety Disorders

Binocular Vision Dysfunction (BVD), often resulting from traumatic brain injury (TBI), is a common condition that disrupts the brain’s ability to merge the two distinct images each eye sends, leading to symptoms like double vision, dizziness, and anxiety. These symptoms can be severe, causing panic attacks and even agoraphobia, and may significantly impact daily functioning and performance at work or school. While traditional anti-anxiety medications might not be effective for BVD-induced anxiety, treatment usually involves prism spatial lenses and possibly neuro-optometric rehabilitation to realign vision and improve eye-brain communication. If experiencing anxiety, a comprehensive eye and vision evaluation is essential, as undiagnosed vision problems like BVD can greatly affect quality of life.

Success Story Of Double Vision Without Prism

Success Story Of Double Vision Without Prism

Double vision can be a daunting aftermath of a stroke, leaving individuals like Willem searching for solutions to restore their sight. In search of a speedier resolution, Willem turned to our Neuro Vision Specialist, renowned for its innovative approach to vision rehabilitation. Here, he embarked on a tailored program, designed to harness the brain’s plasticity and accelerate the healing process. Through personalized therapy sessions and cutting-edge techniques, Willem began to see the world more clearly.