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Different Wavelengths of Light Impact Various Regions of The Brain In Unique Ways

This study demonstrates the effects of various light wavelengths on specific brain regions. It reveals that exposure to certain monochromatic wavelengths can influence non-visual areas of the brain. The findings suggest that light therapy can positively affect health issues like spring asthenia, circadian rhythm disruptions, and even bipolar disorders and Alzheimer’s disease. Furthermore, the research underscores the importance of supervised application of syntonic light therapy, emphasizing that it cannot be applied haphazardly. Research reference link.


Visual Snow Symptoms

Visual Snow Symptoms

Visual snow, where individuals perceive flickering dots or static in their vision, can significantly disrupt daily life and lower quality of life. Its exact cause, linked to brain processing anomalies, remains elusive. To alleviate symptoms, tinted lenses have been effective, though their exact functioning is still being studied. Another promising treatment is light therapy syntonic, which exposes patients to specific light wavelengths, potentially recalibrating how the brain and retina process visual information, thereby reducing visual snow symptoms. Some patients have seen marked improvements with light therapy syntonic alone. Treatment effectiveness varies, so it’s crucial to consult a healthcare professional before starting any new therapy.