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Correction Deviation Improved Visibility

Ocular deviation, a condition where the eyes do not align properly, results in a misalignment that can significantly impact vision and binocular coordination. It manifests in forms such as strabismus, where one eye may turn inwards, outwards, upwards, or downwards, diverging from the direction of the other eye. This deviation can lead to issues like double vision, poor depth perception, and can be a cosmetic concern as well. Ocular deviation is often treated through methods such as corrective glasses, patching, eye exercises, or surgery, depending on its severity and underlying cause. Successful treatment not only improves visual alignment but also enhances overall visual function and quality of life.

Adult Vt To Correct Strabismus And Surgery

Born with strabismus, the author had several surgeries as a child that initially improved their condition. However, during adolescence, their eye turn worsened due to stress and affected their self-esteem. A botched surgery in adulthood further worsened their condition, causing double vision and limited eye movement. After discovering Vision Therapy, they began treatment which was initially slow but eventually led to significant improvements. The author wishes they had been taught resilience, self-worth, and trust in non-invasive healing methods earlier in life. They are grateful for the support from professionals and communities dealing with similar challenges.

Stress Relieving Lenses, Therapeutic Lenses

Using low-power concave lenses may help overactive, under-focused children improve attention and focus, complementing visual training and plus lenses.


Achromatopsia (ACHM) is total color blindness caused by genetic changes in retinal cones, leading to blurry vision, light sensitivity, and lack of color perception.

Is it possible for me to use the eyeglass prescription and get the lenses produced by an external supplier?

Avoid other optical store for our prescription to assure the precision of our functional glasses.
While basic prescriptions are accommodated, the majority involve a visual functional treatment perspective. Our founder specializes in four areas, ensuring lens manufacturers grasp our treatment-focused approach. Our goal is to resolve underlying visual issues, emphasizing quality treatment beyond clarity.

Visually Guide Motor In Speech

Opti-Speech technology, developed by the University of Texas at Dallas, uses 3D images of the tongue to aid in learning speech sounds. The technology could be particularly beneficial for stroke patients struggling with speech articulation. A study published in Frontiers in Human Neuroscience showed that visual feedback training improved participants’ accuracy in learning new sounds. Further research is needed to understand why visual feedback impacts speech and which brain regions are involved.

Syntonics Light Therapy

Syntonics, a type of light therapy used in vision therapy, involves transmitting light frequencies to the brain via the eyes. It’s effective for treating various visual problems and even emotional disorders and brain injuries. The therapy also balances the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems. During treatment, patients gaze into different light frequencies based on their specific issues. The effectiveness of syntonics is indicated by changes in behavior, symptom reduction, and improvements in peripheral vision absorption.

Post-Concussions vision problems

Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI), specifically concussions, is a major health problem in Malaysia, particularly among young adults. After a concussion, individuals often experience Post Trauma Vision Syndrome (PTVS), which can cause symptoms such as dizziness and difficulty coordinating the eyes due to brain damage. PTVS can impact reading skills, balance, and result in headaches or migraines, as well as problems with eye movement, focusing, and convergence. Neuro-Optometric Vision Rehabilitation is a treatment program that assists patients in improving their visual function by addressing these issues.

Treatable Vision Problems That Mimic Dyslexia Symptoms

Children with reading and writing difficulties may be misdiagnosed with dyslexia when the issue is actually related to their eyesight. Dyslexia affects reading abilities in intelligent individuals, but some children may have both dyslexia and vision problems, while others only have issues with their eyesight. Three common eye problems can mimic dyslexia symptoms: difficulty with left and right directions, visual fatigue, and poor eye movement control. Experts in both dyslexia and eye problems should evaluate the child to accurately differentiate between the two. In some cases, a child may have both dyslexia and an eye problem, requiring separate solutions. Consult professionals specializing in dyslexia and eye therapy for the correct diagnosis and treatment.

Stroke Visual Expansion Field

Hemianopia is a condition causing vision loss in half of the visual field, often due to stroke, brain tumors, or injuries. It affects 1 in 1000 people and one-third of stroke rehabilitation patients. In Malaysia, treatment options include the Peli Lens™, which offers a wider visual expansion field, and vision therapy for scanning. The Peli Lens™ is generally preferred due to its effectiveness and cost-efficiency. The “EP” Expansion Prism system is another tool that helps detect obstacles in the blind field, especially during movement. Its fitting process is simple and affordable, with a 50% acceptance rate at 12-month follow-up.

Therapy help stroke patients to see things in 3D

Researchers at Saarland University have developed a new therapy for “binocular fusion dysfunction,” a condition that disrupts the brain’s ability to merge images from both eyes, causing vision problems. This condition affects around 20% of stroke patients and up to 50% of those with brain injuries. The therapy involves a six-week training program that helps improve coordination between the eyes. After the training, all participants showed significant improvement in merging images and depth perception. The findings also suggest that damaged brain areas could recover with appropriate therapy.