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Another Studies Showed Neuro Vision Therapy Works A Lot Better Than Patching Treatment

Neuro Vision therapy, a decade-old practice, has recently been the focus of a study highlighting its remarkable effectiveness in rapidly enhancing stereopsis, the ability to perceive 3D vision.

The study aimed to compare the effectiveness of active vision therapy (AVT) and conventional patching therapy in improving visual acuity (VA) and stereoacuity in children with amblyopia. The 65 participants underwent either AVT or patching therapy, with significant improvements observed in both groups’ amblyopic eyes (AE) in terms of VA. 

Stereoacuity gains were significantly higher in the AVT group compared to the patching group. The conclusion drawn is that while AVT outperforms patching therapy in enhancing stereoacuity, it does not show a significant advantage in improving VA in children with amblyopia.


Suwal, R., Dev, M. K., Khatri, B., Khadka, D., Shrestha, A., Sharma, S., & Upadhyay, M. P. (Year). Impact of active vision therapy compared to conventional patching therapy on visual acuity and stereoacuity in children with amblyopia. Journal Name, Volume(Issue), Page Range.


Adult Vt To Correct Strabismus And Surgery

Adult Vt To Correct Strabismus And Surgery

Born with strabismus, the author had several surgeries as a child that initially improved their condition. However, during adolescence, their eye turn worsened due to stress and affected their self-esteem. A botched surgery in adulthood further worsened their condition, causing double vision and limited eye movement. After discovering Vision Therapy, they began treatment which was initially slow but eventually led to significant improvements. The author wishes they had been taught resilience, self-worth, and trust in non-invasive healing methods earlier in life. They are grateful for the support from professionals and communities dealing with similar challenges.



Achromatopsia (ACHM) is total color blindness caused by genetic changes in retinal cones, leading to blurry vision, light sensitivity, and lack of color perception.