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Understanding Achromatopsia (ACHM)

Achromatopsia (ACHM) means total color blindness. It’s a genetic condition that impacts the cones in our retina, which help us see clearly in daylight. ACHM happens because of changes in one of six genes in cone cells. These changes make the cones stop working and break down over time. This often starts at birth or in early childhood. People with ACHM have blurry vision, can’t see colors, are sensitive to light, and their eyes move in ways they can’t control.

Specialized Lenses for Achromatopsia and Day Blindness

We offer special lenses made for Achromatopsia and Hemeralopia (Day Blindness). They help a lot with extreme light and glare sensitivity.

Consultation with Our Specialized Optometrist

To achieve the best possible outcome, scheduling an appointment to consult with our Optometrist specializing in this area is necessary.

Conquering Extreme Light Sensitivity

Regular room light makes her squint, but with these special lenses for day blindness, she can comfortably keep her eyes open, even in bright light.


Why Behavioural Or Developmental Optometrist ?

Why Behavioural Or Developmental Optometrist ?

Optometrists label themselves as behavioural because vision issues can affect behaviour, causing avoidance of tasks like reading due to fatigue and headaches. They’re called developmental optometrists because they assess and treat the progression of visual skills like focusing and comprehension through vision therapy.

The Way Functional Vision Impact Reading, Writing, and Arithmetic

The Way Functional Vision Impact Reading, Writing, and Arithmetic

Functional vision problems can significantly affect a child’s performance in reading, writing, and arithmetic. These issues are often not detected by standard school vision screenings but can greatly impact a child’s academic and social life. Vision problems can hinder a student’s ability to recognize and remember numbers and letters, affecting comprehension. It may also lead to difficulties in deciphering decimals and signs in math, and challenges in writing in a straight line or distinguishing similar-shaped letters. To identify these issues, it is recommended to seek advice from a developmental optometrist for a comprehensive functional vision assessment.

What’s Really Causing Your Child’s Reading Problem?

What’s Really Causing Your Child’s Reading Problem?

Functional vision issues, which involve the brain, eyes and visual pathways working together, can cause difficulties in reading and writing for children. These problems may not be detected by conventional eye examinations and can include poor convergence, laterality, form discrimination, span of recognition, visualization, tracking, orientation, and focusing. Vision therapy, involving exercises and various tools, is an effective treatment for improving these underperforming visual skills.