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Post-Stroke vision problem

What the stats reveal!

In 2006, the Third National Health and Morbidity Survey spilled the beans that 0.3% of Malaysians had strokes. Fast forward to 2011, and that number doubled to 0.7%, with a spike in different age groups, reaching 7.8% in folks 75 and older.

Here’s the scoop on what those stroke survivors faced: 27% grappled with wonky visual fields, 20% had eye movement hiccups, 4% wrestled with dimmed vision, and 2% tackled tricky perception issues. Surprise, surprise – 15% played host to a combo platter of these vision challenges.

Post-stroke visual anomaly ?

So, why the vision hiccups after a stroke? Blame it on the brain damage, which messes with both the eyes and the brain’s visual processing center. Depending on where the brain takes a hit, different vision troubles pop up.

Neuro-Optometric Vision rehabilitation is important to maximize the patient’s visual function. These wizards team up with physio and occupational therapists, working their magic to boost vision skills in reading, moving around, and tackling everyday tasks. Stroke survivors, prepare to learn some fresh moves with these vision-savvy allies!

Let’s break down the vision hiccups after a stroke:

(i) Visual field loss

Ever heard of central and peripheral vision? Well, if a stroke messes with your central vision, it’s like trying to see the world from the edges – no sight in the center. Peripheral vision loss, on the other hand, narrows your view to just one side, either right or left.

(ii) Eye movement problems

Picture this: your eyes acting like they’re on a roller coaster. That’s what happens with eye movement problems post-stroke. Judging distances becomes a puzzle, shifting your gaze from one thing to another gets tricky, and to top it off, things might seem a bit shaky – a condition called nystagmus.

(iii) Visual processing problems

When the brain’s visual receiver goes haywire after a stroke, it leads to visual processing problems – also known as visual neglect. The brain starts ignoring info from one side of the eye, making it hard for the patient to tell left from right.

Patients with stroke after visited an Ophthalmologist should visit a Neuro-optometrist who specialized in Neuro-Optometric Vision rehabilitation so that they can advise the best and most suitable treatment plans.  Visual field loss usually can be treated with different optical aids.


Therapy help stroke patients to see things in 3D

Therapy help stroke patients to see things in 3D

Researchers at Saarland University have developed a new therapy for “binocular fusion dysfunction,” a condition that disrupts the brain’s ability to merge images from both eyes, causing vision problems. This condition affects around 20% of stroke patients and up to 50% of those with brain injuries. The therapy involves a six-week training program that helps improve coordination between the eyes. After the training, all participants showed significant improvement in merging images and depth perception. The findings also suggest that damaged brain areas could recover with appropriate therapy.

Why Behavioural Or Developmental Optometrist ?

Why Behavioural Or Developmental Optometrist ?

Optometrists label themselves as behavioural because vision issues can affect behaviour, causing avoidance of tasks like reading due to fatigue and headaches. They’re called developmental optometrists because they assess and treat the progression of visual skills like focusing and comprehension through vision therapy.

The Way Functional Vision Impact Reading, Writing, and Arithmetic

The Way Functional Vision Impact Reading, Writing, and Arithmetic

Functional vision problems can significantly affect a child’s performance in reading, writing, and arithmetic. These issues are often not detected by standard school vision screenings but can greatly impact a child’s academic and social life. Vision problems can hinder a student’s ability to recognize and remember numbers and letters, affecting comprehension. It may also lead to difficulties in deciphering decimals and signs in math, and challenges in writing in a straight line or distinguishing similar-shaped letters. To identify these issues, it is recommended to seek advice from a developmental optometrist for a comprehensive functional vision assessment.