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How can you identify visual problems in your child?

Identifying visual issues in children can pose a challenge, especially when they don’t possess the necessary verbal abilities to communicate their challenges. Nevertheless, there are specific indicators to observe if you have concerns about potential visual difficulties your child may be facing. These indicators encompass:

1. Reading below their expected school grade level.
2. Reluctance or unwillingness to read or read out loud.
3. Excessive fidgeting during reading or other learning-related activities.
4. Difficulty summarizing or remembering what they have read.
5. Exhibiting signs of frustration.
6. Resisting going to school or doing homework.
7. Having a low attention span.
8. Taking frequent bathroom breaks during reading-related activities.
9. Covering one eye, tilting their head, or blinking frequently when looking at distant objects like a blackboard.

By recognizing these cues, you can more effectively detect possible visual dysfunction in your child and take the necessary steps to seek appropriate assistance or professional assessment as required.


What’s Really Causing Your Child’s Reading Problem?

What’s Really Causing Your Child’s Reading Problem?

Functional vision issues, which involve the brain, eyes and visual pathways working together, can cause difficulties in reading and writing for children. These problems may not be detected by conventional eye examinations and can include poor convergence, laterality, form discrimination, span of recognition, visualization, tracking, orientation, and focusing. Vision therapy, involving exercises and various tools, is an effective treatment for improving these underperforming visual skills.

Vision Changes In Parkinson’s Disease

Vision Changes In Parkinson’s Disease

Parkinson’s disease (PD) often causes decline in visual acuity, dry eyes, and discomfort. Including a neuro-ophthalmologist in the healthcare team can help manage these issues. Motor symptoms include blurred vision, eye strain, reading difficulties due to slowed eye movements, and difficulty opening the eyes. Dry eyes are common as PD individuals blink less frequently than normal. Seborrheic blepharitis can intensify dry eye symptoms. Traumatic Brain Injury can impact various visual skills such as tracking, fixation, focus change, depth perception, peripheral vision, binocularity, sustaining attention, visualization, near vision acuity, distance acuity, and vision perception.