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Astigmatism is a common vision condition where the eye’s cornea or lens has an irregular shape, causing blurred or distorted vision. This irregular shape prevents light from focusing properly on the retina, leading to difficulties in seeing fine details, both at a distance and up close. Astigmatism can occur on its own or in combination with other vision issues like nearsightedness or farsightedness and is usually correctable with eyeglasses, contact lenses, or sometimes surgery.

The astigmatism treatments vary depending on the kind and severity

At Neuro Vision Specialist, our approach to astigmatism treatment is tailored to each patient’s unique condition and severity. We consider a range of factors, including the type of astigmatism and its progression, to determine the most effective treatment plan.

Our options include both contact lenses and eyeglasses, with a focus on using the lowest effective prescription. This strategy is based on our extensive experience and success in treating astigmatism, where we’ve observed that over-reliance on high-power lenses can sometimes lead to increased dependence and potentially exacerbate the condition.

In addition to traditional corrective lenses, we place a significant emphasis on vision therapy. This therapy includes a series of specialized exercises designed to improve eye coordination and movement, which are often key factors in astigmatism. Our experienced team of optometrists and vision therapists works closely with each patient, developing personalized therapy programs that address specific issues like eye teaming, focusing, and tracking problems.

At Neuro Vision Specialist, we are committed to not just correcting vision but enhancing overall visual health. We continuously update our methods and techniques based on the latest research in neuro-developmental vision science, ensuring that our patients receive the most advanced and effective care available for their astigmatism and related vision challenges.

Can you help with astigmatism?

Certainly, the initial stage involves a vision evaluation conducted by a specialized Neuro-Developmental & Behavioral optometrist to identify the underlying reasons for astigmatism. This assessment is crucial in crafting an optimal treatment approach. Treatment options may encompass customized eyeglasses or contact lenses, along with potential participation in optometric vision therapy

Could the use of glasses or contact lenses potentially exacerbate the situation?

The outcome varies depending on the root cause of astigmatism (散光/Rabun Silau). If it stems from issues with how the eyes coordinate, wearing glasses might exacerbate the condition.

Is it possible to receive assistance without the need for spectacles or glasses?

Typically, we can provide assistance without the use of spectacles. Nonetheless, the effectiveness of our approach depends on the underlying cause of the astigmatism.

Is it possible to diminish the degree of astigmatism present in my child's vision?

To provide a precise answer regarding your child, our specialized Practitioner (Neuro-Developmental & Behavioral optometrist) must conduct a comprehensive eye examination. After this assessment, they will be able to create a treatment plan and discuss the specifics with you.

Is it possible to provide assistance for my child who has a significant level of astigmatism?

We may reduce the required correction, resulting in less frequent use of glasses, and in some cases, we may enhance it to the extent that glasses or contact lenses become unnecessary altogether.